Don't be overwhelmed by the size of this guide, most of it is quite obvious. If you are using a trackpad you may want to check the Drag options section first.

Please note that (all) extensions do not work on add-ons download platforms such as the chrome web store and non-URL sites such as the first page when you open a new tab. See Custom new tab section for some solutions.


Press and hold the right mouse button and drag it to the side to make a “gesture”. A ring will appear around the mouse cursor with eight icons. Place the mouse pointer on the icon representing the action you wish to do then release the mouse button.

The default gesture are:

west arrow go to the previous page.
north arrow go to the main page.
east arrow go to the next page.
south arrow refresh page.
north west arrow go to site:
north east arrow go to site:
south east arrow go to site:
south west arrow go to site: Extension tutorial.

The ring is customizable, in the settings menu, you can change \ add \ remove actions, as well as, change their locations. The ring size is also customizable, we encourage you to make it as small as you are comfortable with.

You can activate the ring and choose a gesture without moving the mouse, this is especially useful for people using a touchpad. To do this, press and hold right click, then press and hold the arrow keys on the keyboard that correspond to the gesture position on the ring (you can press two arrows for gestures positioned in diagonal). Release the right button while still holding the arrow keys.

If the mouse gestures interfere with some other use of the right click, you can bypass the gesture mechanism by pressing and holding the control button. For more information and permanent solutions please check the Disable extension section.

Below are the supported actions and their icons, note that some of the actions available as mouse combos as well and that additional actions are available using drag options.

If you can't find here your desired action, you can request it, and we will consider to incorporate it in future versions.

Go to predefine pagego to predefine page icon
Go to predefine page (new tab)go to predefine page  in a new tab icon
Go to the main pagego to the main page icon
Go to the next pagego to the next page icon
Go to the previous pagego to the previous page icon
Go 7 pages back (Super back)Go 7 pages back, Super back, icon
Go to the top of the pagego to the top of the page icon
Go to the bottom of the pagego to the bottom of the page icon
Go to the previous viewed tabgo to the previous viewed tab icon
Switch to the first tabSwitch to the first tab icon
Switch to the last tabSwitch to the last tab icon
Switch previous tabSwitch to the previous tab icon
Switch next tabSwitch to the next tab icon
Open new tabopen new tab icon
Open new windowopen new window icon
Open new private windowopen new private window icon
Open DownloadsoOpen Downloads
Close tabclose tab icon
Close tabs to the rightClose tabs to the right icon
Close tabs to the leftClose tabs to the left
Close all tabs of this siteClose all tabs of this site icon
Close all other tabsClose all other tabs icon
Restore recently closedrestore recently closed icon
Mute \ Unmute tabmute icon unmute icon
Duplicate tabduplicate tab icon
Pin \ Unpin tabpin icon unpin icon
Make tab public \ privatemake tab public icon make tab private icon
Move tab to the first positionMove tab to the first position icon
Move tab to the last positionMove tab to the last position icon
Minimize windowMinimize window icon
Maximize windowMaximize window icon unmaximize window icon
Full screenFull screen icon unfull screen icon
Set window size and locationchange window size and location icon
Refresh pagerefresh icon
Refresh page without cacheRefresh without cache icon
Print pageprint page icon
Paste a textpaste a text icon
Copy tab URLcopy tab url icon
Zoom in \ outzoom in icon zoom out icon

Most of the actions choices are self explanatory, a few of them require further clarification:

  • Some of the actions will require providing additional information, for example the action "Paste a text" requires the text to be pasted and the name that will be displayed when hovering the action on the options ring.
  • The action "Go to the main page" takes you to the main page of the domain.
  • "Refresh page" action is the same as pressing the Reload button on the browser in non-private mode.
  • "Refresh page without cache" action downloads again all the page data, it is the same as pressing the Reload button on the browser in private mode.
  • Some of the actions are state dependent, for example, using Full screen action in full screen mode will exit the full screen mode.

Mouse combos

Close tabs by double clicking the *right or middle mouse button.
You can change the speed needed for double tapping in settings.
*Please note that on Edge the double tapping right button combo works only if done while moving the mouse, the double tapping middle button combo works normally.

Open a new tab by pressing the left button while holding the right button.

Change tabs by Scrolling the wheel button while the right button is pressed.
You can change the tab switching direction in settings.

Go to the top or bottom of the page by scrolling the middle button up or down while it is pressed.

Zoom in or out by scrolling the middle button up or down while it is pressed.
This feature uses the same combo as the “Go to the top or bottom of the page” feature. To use this feature, you will have to replace the other feature in settings.

All combos can be disable in settings.

Custom new tab

custom new tab

All browser extensions can't work on the default new tab page. To bypass this issue Power Mouse X uses a custom new tab page.

You can open this custom new tab by one of two ways:
   1) Use the mouse combo for a new tab.
   2) Use the "open new tab" gesture.

If the above methods do not open a custom new tab, make sure that the setting "Use custom new tab" is on.

Like the default new tab page, our custom new tab displays a search box and shortcuts to sites. In the settings page you can choose the search engine and configure the site's shortcuts below the search box. By default the shortcuts are for your top sites.

Drag options

Selected textLinkImage
Search the webVVV
Search in Wikipedia(2)V
Open in a new tabVV
Open in a new background tabVV
Open in a public / private window(3)VV
Open in a new windowVV

Dragging web page elements opens an option ring. Different elements cause different options to appear.
The table to the right sums the available options.

drag ring

If the ring interferes with some other use of element dragging, you can bypass the ring by pressing and holding the control button. For more information and permanent solutions please check the Disable extension section.

(1) Only png and svg images can be copied.
(2) You can set the target language in settings.
(3) Depending on your current window mode.

Drag options can be disabled in the settings page.

Predictions (not available on Firefox)

Power mouse X tries to predict your next page. While browsing a site such as a shopping site, a search engine, a forum etc, you can use these methods to go to the next page: using the "Go forward" gesture, pressing Alt + → or using the mouse forward button (available on some mouses). Use this feature on Youtube to watch the next video in the playlist.

Predictions work better on some sites more than others, sometimes its works great, sometimes it doesn't work and often it works only from the second page of the list of results. Experiment with it on your favorite sites.

Configure side buttons (not available on Firefox)

Some computer mouses have extra side buttons that are usually used for quick browser back and forward navigation. PowerMouseX allows you to add functionality to these buttons.

In the settings page, choose from the scrollbar one of the dozens of actions you want to activate on a button press. You will also need to choose the forward button (button #5) primary goal:
If you set it on "forward" the browser will first attempt to navigate forward and if such option doesn't exist it will perform the action.
If you set it on "forward & prediction" the browser will first attempt to navigate forward and if such option doesn't exist it will try to predict the next page, if he can't he will perform the action.
If you set it on "action", pressing the forward button will only perform the action and will never be used to navigate forward.

If you have a paid subscription you can also add functionality to a combination made of pressing side buttons while holding one of the primary mouse buttons.

Pin extension icon

pop-up menu

The easiest way to access the extension settings or to pause the extension on a site is via the pop-up menu that appears when pressing the extension icon. If the Power Mouse X icon do not appear in the toolbar you can fix that this way:

In Chrome Press the puzzle icon next to the address bar. Then press the pin icon next to the extension name.
In Edge Press the puzzle icon next to the address bar. Then press the eye icon next to the extension name.
In Firefox Right-click next to the address bar and choose "Customize Toolbar". Then drag the extension icon to the toolbar.

Disable extension

If the mouse gestures or drag options temporarily interfere, for example by preventing a pop up menu to appear, you can bypass the issue by pressing and holding the control button before using the mouse.

Another option is to disable the extension for your current site or for all sites by pressing Power Mouse X icon in the toolbar (next to the address bar) and toggling the switches. If the icon is missing, read the previous section.